The Ins and Outs of Healthy Skin

Stress. Flareup. Damage Control. Repeat. Sound familiar?

If you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from sensitive or sensitized skin, you can attest to this vicious cycle.

From stress to insomnia, chronic worry to toxic chemicals, your cells are constantly receiving and responding to extreme conditions from inside and outside of your body.

Under normal circumstances, your cells maintain balance by regulating toxic load and replenishing hydration and nutrients. But when things are too intense for too long, your body’s stress response kicks into high gear.

This creates an imbalance at the cellular level and shows up as temporary or chronic skin sensitivities.

We’re here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way.

At Cellre, we know that our cells are built for balance.

When we feed skin with whole, hydrobioactive nutrients, we’re giving it everything it needs to detoxify and regenerate at once, so your skin can maintain calm even in the midst of chaos.

In the face of stress, Cellre lets you see yourself clearly.

Meet Kandace

A chiropractor and community health advocate, Kandace Silvola is a full time mom, researcher and caretaker to her family of 7. As chronic stress and lack of sleep began to take its toll, Kandace discovered the incredible and immediate benefit of a nutrient dense diet rich in fruits, vegetables and herbs.

With a deep understanding of optimal cellular function, Kandace hypothesized that the same detoxifying and regenerative benefit that occurs through a diet focused on whole foods could also be achieved through topical application. After years of formal training and hundreds of formulations, Cellre was established to bring regenerative detoxification to sensitive skin sufferers everywhere.
We Believe

Food Is Medicine

Hippocrates said it and we agree, let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.

The Body Is Wired For Balance

The body is innately intelligent. It knows how to turn nutrients into energy, detoxify and replenish, regulate and respond. Our job is to support the body’s natural functions with a healthy diet, lifestyle
and skincare.

It’s Okay To Be Sensitive

Sensitive and sensitized skin is a sign that something is out of balance. Whether its a chronic condition due to your gene expression, or a temporary skin issue caused by an internal or external irritant, the solution is the same: purify the skin, replenish the microbiome, and restore the skin barrier through a process we call
Regenerative Detoxification.

Ethics + Sustainability

Made in California

Natural + Organic Ingredients

Made in Small Batches

Recyclable Glass Bottles

FSC Certified, Recyclable Paper

Vegan + Cruelty Free


Cellre is more than skincare. Our company is on a mission to provide relief, not just to skin but to those suffering with skin disease. Epidermolysis Bullosa is a rare but devastating genetic disease caused by mutations in the genes that determine the structure, integrity and repair of the skin. It is estimated to affect 20 newborns in 1 million live births. Kandace Silvola’s daughter, Hailey, is one of them.

We know that topical skincare alone cannot heal genetic diseases. But our funds can help in the quest for a cure. A percentage of every purchase of Cellre supports DebRA, the world’s leading EB patient support and advocacy network.